Auras Rank 2

Auras Rank 2
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 2 / 6
Prereqs: Auras Rank 1, 25 Power Points, level 3
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant


Rank 2:

Spell Verbal: I Weave a Protective Aura of…

  • …Vigilance.        4 Power Point     Latent.
    • When invoked, this spell gives protection against certain specific attacks: it prevents a Waylay with 3 or fewer points of damage from rendering the target unconscious and taking damage and it leaves the target of a Slay or an Assassinate skill with half their current Body Points. However, if direct body damage was done by the weapon, then any blade poisons on the weapon take effect.
    • Vigilance has no effect against any other form of attack, magical or non-magical, including a Waylay that does 4 or more points of damage.


  • Negation.     5 Power Points    Latent.
    • When invoked, this spell completely cancels the effects of one spell cast upon the character. A Negation will stop spell like effects such as those from Nature Magic and Spell Songs normally.


  • Reflection.     6 Power Points     Latent.
    • When invoked, Reflection turns a spell back upon its caster. If the caster also has a Reflection spell and chooses to invoke it, then the spell is reflected back upon the target again. If the original target still has some other appropriate form of defense against spells they may then invoke it.
    • A Reflection will stop magical spell like effects including those from Nature Magic and Spell Songs, but in these cases, while the spell is stopped, the spell is not redirected back at the caster.
    • For purposes of determining who the caster of a reflected spell is, the character that last used the reflection is considered the caster. For example, a character is hit with a Paralysis spell, they invoke a Reflection spell and the original caster is now paralyzed, and the original defending character can remove the Paralysis spell by touch since they are now considered the caster.

Rank 1 Auras
Rank 3 Auras
Rank 4 Auras
Rank 5 Auras

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